Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Konbanwa minna-san, Chisaki desu. I've tried this website and I tried to get myself a laptop of my own. I wonder if it works. I'll let you people know if it does because if it does I want you people to be able to one of your own. I will post the website on here if you want to try it before I tell if it works for me. Anyways here: http://laptops.freepay.com/?r=32855378. You have to do three steps in order to get to your laptop. And it will be delivered I believe. If any of you people out there know where to get or how to get a Blackberry Pearl 8100 then please tell. I'm looking for one to get for myself as a Christmas or New Years present. If any of you are wondering what is a Blackberry Pearl 8100, well it's a cell phone with many other features like instant messaging, e-mail checking/replying, photos, and web browsing. Well got to go now. I will add more some other time. And please, if you are reading this blog. Try to get yourself a free laptop.


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